Friday 20 July 2012

Fragrance Oils For Perfume

Fragrance Oils For Perfume

The most basic source of materials to create a perfume is your own garden. Flowers, of course, will provide material for your perfume. But don't overlook other, not so obvious, fragrant materials. Use your nose! Pine needles and pine cones have a distinctive fragrance. The leaves and bark of trees have an aroma. The oil from the peels of citrus fruits have aromas. Sap from a wounded tree has an aroma. Seeds and nuts have an aroma. All of these materials are used by professional perfumers!

Fragrance Oils For Perfume

Fragrance Oils For Perfume

Fragrance Oils For Perfume

Fragrance Oils For Perfume

Fragrance Oils For Perfume

Fragrance Oils For Perfume

Fragrance Oils For Perfume

Fragrance Oils For Perfume

Fragrance Oils For Perfume

Fragrance Oils For Perfume

Fragrance Oils For Perfume

Fragrance Oils For Perfume

Fragrance Oils For Perfume

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